Falcon Families💙💛Join our virtual meeting tomorrow via Zoom

Our Falcons were hard at work in small groups today with iReady Spanish intervention small groups…sufijos/ suffixes 👏🏻💛💙👏🏻#FieldsInpires

🎃Save the date!
Our PTO meeting is coming up, October 24,2023. Our talented 5th-grade students will perform!!! Mark your calendars and join us for an evening of updates and discussions.

🍎📚 Join us as we celebrate National School Lunch Week and the importance of healthy meals in our schools. #NSLW23 #FieldsInspires #GreatnessStartsHere

📚Happy #WorldTeachersDay to our dedicated Falcon educators who inspire and empower our students every day! Thank you for shaping future leaders!📚

Beautiful melodies could be heard in our music classes today! Our 2nd grade Falcons learned to read notes and counts rhythms 🎵🎶🎼💙💛#FieldsInspires

Our Kinder Falcons are hard at work practicing reading skills in their ELA Literacy Centers💙💛Keep Soaring High! #FieldsInspires

Falcon Families💙💛Please see the attached information about the upcoming Fire Safety Drawing Contest. We can’t wait to see your work!!! #FieldsInspires

Falcon Parents!Join us for a parent meeting Thursday, October 5, 2023 💛💙See flyer for details #FieldsInspires

Good morning fields families! Reminder school picture orders are due this Thursday October 5th. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us! Thank you💛💙
¡Buenos días, familias de los fields! Recordatorio de que los pedidos de fotos de la escuela vencen este jueves 5 de octubre. Si tiene alguna pregunta, no dude en ponerse en contacto con nosotros.

We LOVE our Custodial Staff!!! Thank you for all you do for our Falcons each and everyday; we appreciate you💙💛#FieldsInpires

Hello Families! Please note that there are no classes on
Monday, October 9, 2023. Classes resume on Tuesday, October 10, 2023.
¡Hola familias! Tenga en cuenta que no hay clases en
lunes 9 de octubre de 2023. Las clases se reanudan el martes 10 de octubre de 2023.

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month! Please join us every Tuesday by wearing red on the themed days. See image for more details…Go Red For Dyslexia !!!

It was a Fantastic Friday at Fields…here are our Falcons of the Week,Falcon Heart Students, our first Soar Store winners, and some highlights from our 2nd Grade outdoor author visit💙💛

Hello Falcons! September flew by quickly….here are our events & lunch menu for the month of October 💛💙

Our First Grade Falcons were fully engaged in their non standard measurements lesson & independent reading time💙💛Great Job Falcons! #FieldsInspires

Hello Falcons! Don't forget to turn in your bookmark contest entry forms to Librarian Lopez on October 4th. If you did not receive one and would like to participate, stop by the library.

On Thursday and Friday, students learned how to access Ebooks in their Digital Library (MackinVia) with Librarian Lopez. Our Falcons were thrilled to learn how to find & read electronic books on their own Chromebook.

Congratulations to our well deserving students who received recognition at our Friday Morning Assembly. A.R. Classroom Leaders, Falcons of the Week, Falcon Heart Award, and Lexia STARS

A huge thank you to our amazing parent volunteers for getting us ready for the McHi Homecoming Parade. We love and appreciate you! 💛💙