Hi Families, Please take a moment to review this important information about our Talent Show on Wednesday, May 24th. Thank you!
Hola familias, Tómese un momento para revisar esta información importante sobre nuestro espectáculo de talentos el miércoles 24 de mayo. ¡Gracias!

Job well done to all of our Falcon UIL competitors!We are so proud of you! #FieldsInspires

So much to celebrate!!! Congratulations Falcons on a wonderful school year filled with learning & fun. #FieldsInspires

Hello Falcon Families💛💙Just a friendly reminder …we will have early release on the last day of school Friday, May 26, 2023. #FieldsInspires

The McHi & Achieve graduates made a special visit to Fields!!! Congrats, Class of 2023!

Congratulations to our School Counselor, Mrs. Jessica Guerrero, on being named a Texas School Counselor of the Year Finalist! There are only five finalists selected across the state. We are so proud of Mrs. Guerrero and the work she does for our Falcons. We love you! 💙💛

Our friends from McAllen Public Works invite our students to this FREE EVENT this Saturday, May 20th from 9-12PM. Free food, music, educational information, and equipment exhibit!
Nuestros amigos de McAllen Public Works invitan a nuestros estudiantes a este EVENTO GRATIS este sábado 20 de mayo de 9 a 12 p. m. ¡Comida, música, información educativa y exhibición de equipos!

A message from Ms. Trdla:
Hello Families! Tomorrow, May 17, we will be celebrating 75 years of Fields by taking a picture with all of our students and staff. Please help us by sending your child to school in a blue or yellow shirt. Thank you!
¡Hola Familias! Mañana, 17 de mayo, celebraremos los 75 años de Fields tomándonos una foto con todos nuestros estudiantes y personal. Por favor ayúdenos enviando a su hijo a la escuela con una camisa azul o amarilla. ¡Gracias!

A Message from Ms. Trdla:
Hello Families! Visitors Passes will be REQUIRED for all of our on campus events. To help expedite the process, please stop by our front office and get your pass prior to the event (or events) that you will be attending. You may begin coming in on Monday, May 15. A photo ID MUST be presented to get your pass. Thank you!
¡Hola Familias! Se REQUERIRÁN pases de visitantes para todos nuestros eventos en el campus. Para ayudar a acelerar el proceso, pase por nuestra oficina principal y obtenga su pase antes del evento (o eventos) al que asistirá. Puede comenzar a asistir el lunes 15 de mayo. Se DEBE presentar una identificación con foto para obtener su pase. Gracias!

Join in celebrating Fields 75th Anniversary! Please note that on Wednesday, May 17th we will be taking a school-wide picture, we ask your child wear blue or yellow! Let’s celebrate all week by wearing Falcon shirt or Falcon colors!
¡Únase a la celebración del 75.º aniversario de Fields! Tenga en cuenta que el miércoles 17 de mayo tomaremos una foto de toda la escuela, ¡le pedimos a su hijo que se vista de azul o amarillo! ¡Celebremos toda la semana vistiendo la camiseta Fields o los colores Fields!

Have a Blessed and Happy Mother’s Day 💙💛 From our Fields Family to yours! #FieldsInspires

Thank you, PTO, for the fruit cups and snacks! We appreciate it! 💛💙 #TeacherAppreciationWeek

Our 3rd & 5th grade Music Memory teams represented us very well at the competition. 💙💛 #FieldsInspires

Thank you to our outstanding, Nurse Hinojosa💛💙We thank you for caring for our Falcons daily.We love & appreciate you! #FieldsInspires #SchoolNurseDay

Hello Families! We previously shared our celebration and awards assembly dates on our End of Year Calendar, however, here it is by grade level and date. We will see you soon!
¡Hola Familias! Anteriormente compartimos nuestras fechas de celebración y asamblea de premiación en nuestro Calendario de fin de año, sin embargo, aquí está por nivel de grado y fecha. ¡Te veremos pronto!

Thank you #FragilePlanetWildlifePark for your memorable visit today🎉🎉🎉Our Falcons LOVED the presentation & learned about the importance of wildlife conservation 💛💙 #FieldsInspires

Happy #TeacherAppreciationWeek to our Fabulous Falcon Teachers!!!🍎Thank you for inspiring our Falcons everyday💛💙 #FieldsInspires

"Girlstart Summer Camp" will be available this year!! This program is completely FREE & is available for any GIRL who is currently in 3rd, 4th, or 5th grade!! The Camp will be taking place the week of June 12-15, 2023; Monday through Thursday, from 8:00am - 3:00pm at Escandon Elementary! We would love for your daughter to join our Girlstart Summer Camp this year & look forward to hearing from you soon! Our goal is to have 10 girls registered by May 26, 2023!! (last day to return permission slips) Don't miss out on this great opportunity & program!
***(Please note that this time our camp will be hosted at Escandon Elementary & no transportation will be provided)
*If you child is interested in joining, please have her stop by Miss Loera’s classroom to pick up an application as soon as possible or feel free to send an email for an application. Remember that this is on a first come, first serve basis!
Email: dulce.loera@mcallenisd.net

Hello Families! Attached are images of our breakfast and lunch menus for May.
¡Hola Familias! Se adjuntan imágenes de nuestros menús de desayuno y almuerzo para mayo.

Our Falcons soared high and performed beautifully at our Cinco de Mayo Fine Arts Expo this Friday! Students worked diligently throughout the school year and it showed through their performances and smiles! Thank you Falcons, club sponsors, teachers,administrators, & parent volunteers for organizing a wonderful event celebrating our students and culture!