Join our Campus Information Meeting tomorrow January 26th!!!
about 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Join us & celebrate the Great Kindness Challenge!!!
about 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Hi Fields Families! All car & walker students will be released through the gym today. If your child is normally a walker, please help us out by joining the car pick-up line, this will make our dismissal processes a lot easier. We appreciate your patience and support as we make sure to get all of our babies home quickly and as warm as possible. Thank you, Ms. Trdla ¡Hola Familias! Todos los estudiantes de automóviles y peatones saldrán del gimnasio hoy. Si su hijo normalmente camina, por favor ayúdenos uniéndose a la línea de recogida de automóviles, esto hará que nuestros procesos de salida sean mucho más fáciles. Agradecemos su paciencia, apoyo, actitudes positivas y sonrisas mientras nos aseguramos de llevar a todos nuestros bebés a casa lo más rápido y cálido posible. Gracias!
about 3 years ago, Teresa Trdla
Falcons,next week is Emotional Intelligence Week!!!Join us in celebrating ! #FieldsInspires
about 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Order your 2021-2022 school yearbook today!!! See flyer for more information
about 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Hello families, Just a friendly reminder that our students will be released at 12:30 on Friday December 17th. Classes will resume January 5th. Have a wonderful Winter break. Thank you ! Hola familias, Solo un recordatorio amistoso de que nuestros estudiantes salen a las 12:30 el viernes. Las clases resumen el 5 de enero. Que tengan un maravilloso descanso de invierno. Gracias
about 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
No school
Hello Families, Join us this Thursday for our ( Drive-Thru) Literacy Parade form 5:00-6:00. We will have activities, books, and much more. Thank you Hola familias, Únase con nosotros este jueves para nuestro desfile de Lectura ( Drive Thru) de 5:00-6:00. Tendremos actividades, libros y mucho más. Gracias
about 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Literacy Parade
Hello Falcons! We are kicking off our "December to Remember" tomorrow, December 1st. If you wish, your children are invited to participate in our theme days. Howdy up Falcons! We are kicking off our December to Remember tomorrow, December 1st. If you wish, your children are invited to participate in our themed days.
over 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
December Dress Up Themes
December Dress Up Themes
Hello Families, Our Fields PTO will have a Christmas Market on December 4. Hola familias, Nuestro PTO tendrá un mercado este 4 de diciembre, aquí los esperamos.
over 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
PTO Christmas Market
Hello Families! Friendly reminder that there will not be classes Nov. 22 - 26, classes resume on Monday, Nov. 29. We are looking forward to our return and wanted to share some upcoming events for December. Have a great Thanksgiving break. We are extremely thankful for the opportunity to serve our Falcons, your families, and our community. ¡Hola familias! Recordatorio amistoso de que no habrá clases del 22 al 26 de noviembre, las clases se reanudarán el lunes 29 de noviembre. Esperamos con ansias nuestro regreso y queremos compartir algunos de los próximos eventos de diciembre. Que tengas un gran descanso de Acción de Gracias. Estamos muy agradecidos por la oportunidad de servir a nuestros Falcons, sus familias y nuestra comunidad.
over 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Save the Dates
Save the Dates
Falcons, celebrate Red Ribbon Week with us! Show your support against drugs & stay tuned for our daily Red Ribbon Week Raffles and Fun Activities! #FieldsInspires #RedRibbonWeek
over 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Red Ribbon Week
Red Ribbon Week
Weather Update: McAllen ISD is closely monitoring the weather. At this time, all campuses, district offices & transportation will continue with its regular schedule today. We encourage you to take precautions to work and school.
over 3 years ago, McAllen ISD
rainy day
Hello families, Just a friendly reminder that we will not have school Monday, September 6, 2021. Hola familias, Solo un recordatorio amistoso de que no habrá clases el lunes 6 de septiembre de 2021.
over 3 years ago, McAllen ISD
labor day
Hello Families! Friendly reminder that we have Meet the Teacher tomorrow, Thursday, August 19th and that we have three sessions to minimize the amount of people in the building. Session 1: 9:00 - 11:00AM Session 2: 1:30 - 3:30 PM Session 3: 5:30 - 7:00 PM As per the Hidalgo County Health Order, and for your safety and ours, please wear a mask. Also, to get a head start on information to be shared, please take some time to view the video using the link below. We look forward to seeing you. We love you! ¡Hola familias! Recordatorio amistoso que tenemos Meet the Teacher mañana, jueves 19 de agosto y que tenemos tres sesiones para minimizar la cantidad de personas en el edificio. Sesión 1: 9:00 - 11:00 AM Sesión 2: 1:30 - 3:30 PM Sesión 3: 5:30 - 7:00 PM De acuerdo con la Orden de Salud del Condado de Hidalgo, y por su seguridad y la nuestra, use una máscara. Además, para comenzar con la información que se va a compartir, tómese un tiempo para ver el video usando el enlace a continuación. Esperamos verte. ¡Te amamos!
over 3 years ago, Teresa Trdla
Welcome Back - Falcon Families! Please take time to read and review our 2021-2022 Student Code of Conduct. It is available in English & Spanish via the links provided and in our document section of our website. We are excited to see you!!! English Spanish
over 3 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Hello Falcon Families! Please submit any questions you may have about the upcoming school year, via the link below. This will help us prepare and address any questions that you have during Meet the Teacher. We can't wait to see you! 💙💛 Love, Ms. Trdla, Principal ¡Hola Falcon familias! Envíe cualquier pregunta que pueda tener sobre el próximo año escolar, a través del enlace de abajo. Esto nos ayudará a prepararnos y abordar cualquier pregunta que tenga durante Meet the Teacher. ¡Estamos ansiosos por verte! 💙💛 Con amor, Ms. Trdla, Directora
over 3 years ago, Teresa Trdla
Hello Falcons! Play, Learn, & Grow this summer with these amazing apps! Prizes will be awarded- see flyers for more information. #FieldsInspires #SummerLearning #SummerFun
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Play, Learn, Grow
Play, Learn , Grow
Un mensaje de la Directora, Ms. Trdla: ¡Hola familias! Esperamos que te esté yendo bien. Quería enviar un mensaje rápido para compartir con todos que el enlace PEBT abrió hoy. Aquí hay algunas respuestas a las preguntas que he recibido: Cualquier persona que tenga un hijo en McAllen ISD puede calificar para recibir estos fondos. Si ya recibe SNAP, no tiene que presentar una solicitud. Si no recibe SNAP con regularidad, incluso si presentó la solicitud el año pasado, debe solicitar nuevamente. Aproveche esta gran oportunidad. Utilice el enlace para comenzar su aplicación Si necesita ayuda, llame a la escuela al (956) 971-4344, estaremos encantados de ayudarle. ¡Mantente a salvo, te amamos! -Ms. T
almost 4 years ago, Teresa Trdla
PEBT Information in English
PEBT Information in Spanish
A Message From Your Principal, Ms. Trdla: Hello Families! We hope you are doing well. I wanted to send a quick message to share with everyone that the PEBT link opened today. Here are some answers to questions I have received: Anyone who has a child in McAllen ISD is able to qualify to receive these funds. If you already receive SNAP, you do not have to apply. If you do not regularly receive SNAP, even if you applied last year, you must apply again. Please take advantage of this great opportunity. Use the link, to begin your application If you need any help, please call the school at (956)971-4344, we are happy to help. Stay safe, we love you! -Ms. T
almost 4 years ago, Teresa Trdla
PEBT Information in English
PEBT Information in Spanish
Falcons, McAllen Public Library is starting their summer programs next week! Don't miss out!!! Click on the link for more information! #FieldsInspires #ReadersAreLeaders #SummerVibes #ReadingChallenge @mcallenlibrary
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez