Hello Falcons!!! Tomorrow is Olympic Tuesday so wear your red, white, and blue. Let's celebrate National PE & Sports Week! #FieldsInspires

Today is the Day for our drive-thru Math Parade !!!! Join us from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. ! Please view our map for the parade route...can't wait to celebrate with you!!! #FieldsInspires #MathMonth @McAllenISD @McHiPride

Hello Falcons! If you love to code and create, join @McAllenISD Coding Summer Camps! Click on the link for more information. #FieldsInspires

Falcons, National P.E. & Sports Week is May 3rd- May 7th ! Join us in celebrating the importance of health and physical education. Here are the dress up themes for the week. Can't wait!!! #FieldsInspires #MoveMoreSitLess #HealthyLiving

Happy School Bus Drivers' Day! Thank you to our wonderful transportation staff who go the extra mile for our Falcons! #FieldsInspires #WeAppreciateYou #ThankYou

Join us for our drive-thru Math Parade on April 30th from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. ! Please view our map for the parade route...can't wait to celebrate with you!!! #FieldsInspires #MathMonth @McAllenISD @McHiPride

Join us in celebrating our Teachers & Staff, during Teacher Appreciation Week, May 3rd - 7th. Thank you!

Hello Fields Families!
Teacher Appreciation Week is May 3-7. We know you join us in celebrating our amazing teachers and staff. Handwritten cards, thoughtful gestures, and tokens of appreciation are always appreciated. We will also be having various contests and activities for our teachers and staff throughout the week. If you have any items that may make a great prize, we appreciate your contribution. Please call the school and ask for me, if you have any questions. Thank you! Stay safe and we love you!
-Ms. Trdla
¡Hola familias de Fields!
La Semana de Agradecimiento a los Maestros es del 3 al 7 de mayo. Sabemos que se une a nosotros para celebrar a nuestros increíbles maestros y personal. Siempre se agradecen las tarjetas escritas a mano, los gestos reflexivos y las muestras de agradecimiento. También tendremos varios concursos y actividades para nuestros maestros y personal durante la semana. Si tiene algún artículo que pueda ser un gran premio, agradecemos su contribución. Por favor llame a la escuela y pregunte por mí, si tiene alguna pregunta. ¡Gracias! ¡Mantente a salvo y te amamos!
-Ms. Trdla

Our final week of Math Month is April 26th - 30th! Here are the dress up themes for the week...

Caught you Planning!!! Our Falcon teachers are hard at work planning and preparing for our upcoming Math Parade! #FieldsInspires #MathMonth #TakeAndMakeActivities

Hello Falcons! In honor of Earth Day, let's wear our kindness shirts tomorrow and remember the importance of being kind to our Earth!

Don't Forget Falcons...tomorrow is put on your Thinking Hat Day !!! Can't wait to see your creativity!

Nerd Day at Fields Elementary....continuing our Math Month celebrations throughout the month of April.

El Proyecto Campeón
¡Comparta sus pensamientos! Utilice los enlaces para compartir sus ideas en Thought Exchange. Esperamos revisar sus pensamientos y continuar sirviendo a nuestros estudiantes y familias.
Haga clic para participar: https://5il.co/rma4

The Math Month celebrations continue.....Here are the upcoming dress up themes for the week of April 19th- April 23rd!

Falcon Families! Save the date and join us for our very first Math Parade on Friday,April 30th from 5 p.m. - 6 p.m. A map of the parade route will be posted soon (drive-thru only). Let's celebrate together.

Celebrating our math genius by wearing our favorite math shirt! Someone took the "rhombus." We also know that every problem has a solution." #MathMonth #FieldsInspires #ILoveMath

Happy Math Monday Falcons!!!! Our K- 1st grade students are completing their daily math challenge counting by 10's!!!! #FieldsInspires #MathMonth #ILoveMath

Happy Falcon Fri-Yay! Please take some time to enjoy our Friday Afternoon Assembly for 4.9.21. We love you!
¡Feliz Falcon Fri-Yay! Por favor, tómese un tiempo para disfrutar de nuestra Asamblea del viernes por la tarde del 4.9.21. ¡Te amamos!

Happy Assistant Principal's Week to our Fabulous, Mrs. Ramirez! We love you & appreciate all you do for our Falcon Community. You truly are a Ray of Sunshine at Fields. #BlessedWithTheBest #AssistantPrincipalsWeek #FieldsInspires