Our 5th grade Falcons were hard at work planning & writing their extended constructive responses today📝Thank you Ms.Schwarz for guiding and inspiring our Falcons today!!💛💙 #FieldsInspires
12 months ago, Celeste Lopez
5th grade ELAR
5th grade ELAR
SAVE THE DATE!!!💙💛Falcons, the STAAR tests are around the corner…stayed tuned for more upcoming testing information.
12 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Celebrating our incredible elementary school diagnostician during National Educational Diagnostician Week! Thank you, Ms.Vasquez, for your dedication and for making a positive impact on our Falcons! 💛💙 #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Diag Week
Congratulations to our Falcons of the Week, Falcon Heart recipients, and LEXIA Superstars⭐️⭐️⭐️ #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Falcons of the week
¡Felicidades Galilea y Gustavo! ¡Ambos de nuestros Falcons quedaron entre los mejores 12 en el concurso de ortografía en español de McAllen ISD y nos representarán a nosotros y a nuestro distrito en el concurso de ortografía en español de UTRGV - The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley. Congratulations to Galilea and Gustavo! Both of our Falcons placed in the top 12 at the McAllen ISD Spanish Spelling Bee. They will go on to represent us and our district at the UTRGV Spanish Spelling Bee.
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Congrats to these Falcons
Hi Families, Just a friendly reminder that next week is spring break! There will be no school from March 11th to March 15th. We will resume classes on March 18th.💛💙
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Spring break
Sending a heartfelt THANK YOU…to our Social Worker,Mrs.Hernandez.We appreciate all you do for our Falcons & community!!!💛💙 #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Social worker week
Testing season is here!!! Please view the following important dates! Make sure your child is well rested and prepared with their device and charger. We know our Falcons will Soar High 💙💛
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Benchmark info
Testing countdown
Parents of 2nd Graders... SAVE THE DATE! Our 2nd graders will perform at our next PTO meeting on March 5th, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. See you there!
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Save the Date
Save the Date
Falcon Familes, Read Across America 2024... is next week! Participate in our dress up themes for the week!!!
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
RAA 2024
Congratulations to all of our Falcons who soar high…and a special thank you to our Officer Hernandez for all you do to keep our Falcons and campus safe! 💛💙 #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Falcons of the week
Hello Families! Book Fair begins Tuesday, February 20th-26th!!!! We will also have a Family Night on Thursday, Feb.22nd from 5:00p.m. - 6:30p.m. Support our school and your child’s love & interest in reading💙📚💙See our Falcon BookFair link bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/fieldseleme…
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Book fair on tuesday
Hi Families! Friendly reminder that we don’t have school on Monday, February 19th! 💙💛 ¡Hola, familias! ¡Recordatorio amistoso de que no tenemos escuela el lunes 19 de febrero!
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
No school
Our Falcons had a spectacular experience at our annual Career Day!!! Memories made, curiosity piqued, & many presenters inspired future dreams! 💛💙 #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Career day
Career day
Career day
Happy National School Resource Officer Day to our Officer Hernandez!!! We appreciate all you do to keep our Falcons & community safe. Thank you💙💛 #FieldsInpires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Resource Officer day
Happy National School Counselor Week: ✨ Mrs. Jessica Guerrero, School Counselor ✨ Mrs. Mayra Lozano, Intervention Counselor ✨ Ms. Lucy Chapa, Special Education Counselor We are thankful for all the work you do to support and love our Falcons and community. 💛💙
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Counselors Week
Hi Families, See the menu for the month of February! 💛💙 #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Feb menu
Feb. menu
Hi Falcon Families!!! Please see flyers for details on upcoming events in February. Hola familias, consulte los folletos para obtener detalles sobre los próximos eventos en febrero. 💙💛 #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Schedule for Feb.
Schedule for February
Falcon Families… If your son or daughter is interested in exploring the game of baseball, this is a great opportunity!! ⚾️ 💛💙⚾️
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
UTRGV Baseball
We would like to recognize Sam Saldivar, our dedicated school board trustee, during School Board Appreciation Month. Thank you for your unwavering commitment to shaping the future of education in our Falcon community and beyond!
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
School board appreciation