Hello Falcons, what a great year it has been!!! Hope you have a restful and safe summer vacation. Please review the early release information below. #FieldsInspires
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Early Release Information
Hello Mighty Falcons! Please take time to view the Award Distribution Pick Up information below. See you there! #FieldsInspires
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Distribution Times
Distribution Times
The yearbooks are here, the yearbooks are here!!! If you ordered your 2020-2021 yearbook, pick up will be on Wednesday, May 26th, 2021 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Aloha Falcons! Please view our updated maps with information about our Kinder & 5th Grade Drive-Thru Party Celebrations! See you there!! #FieldsInspires
almost 4 years ago, Carina Santoyo
End of the Year Celebrations
End of the Year Celebrations
Parents of Kinder & 5th Grade Falcons, here is a map of the Drive-Thru Celebration this Friday! #FieldsInspires
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
If you are interested in joining the Community Youth Development Programs offered this summer, please click on the link to view activities offered and register today!!! https://www.mcallenisd.org/page/community-youth-development
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Falcons! Our Virtual Awards Assemblies and Drive-Thru Celebrations for Kinder and 5th Grade are this Friday!!! See Flyer for details...
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
5th Grade Celebration
Kinder Flyer
Falcons, it's the end of the year final count down! Stay informed via ClassDojo with dates on our Virtual Awards Assemblies, 5th Grade I Pad Collection Day, & I Pad Repair Drop Off Day! #FieldsInspires #FalconsAreReady #FalconsArePrepared
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Stay Informed Image
Falcons, if you have severely damaged I Pads that need repair for the 2021-2022 academic year....please see flyers below for information on drop off day and time. #FieldsInspires #WeAreReady
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Ipad Repair
Ipad Repair Information in Spanish
5th Grade Falcons...please review the flyer for end of the year I Pad collection information! #FieldsInspires #MiddleSchoolHereWeCome #OnceAFalconAlwaysAFalcon
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
5th Grade Ipad Collection Flyer
Spanish Flyer 5th Grade Ipad Collection
Falcons....READING STAAR test for 3rd-5th graders tomorrow!!! Make sure you rest well, eat a healthy breakfast, and try your very best! You got this!!!
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Hello 5th Grade Falcons! Join the McAllen ISD Summer Reading Retreat in August! Click on the link and register for this opportunity #FieldsInspires #McallenReads https://sites.google.com/mcallenisd.net/mcallen-reads/home
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Summer Reading for 5th Graders
Thank you Mrs. Benavides for a FANTASTIC National P.E. & Sports Week! We love and appreciate all you do to keep our Falcon kiddos happy, healthy, and active. Great coaching changes lives....and you do just that everyday!!!
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Mrs. Benavides
Happy #NationalSchoolNurseWeek ! We love our nurse, Mrs. Maciel! Thank you for carrying our Falcon students, staff, and community through this school year! We appreciate your hard-work, courage, and kind heart! #FieldsInspires #BlessedWithTheBest
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
National Nurse Week
Nurse Maciel
Nurse Maciel
Nurse Maciel
Falcons, don't forget....in honor of National PE & Sports Week... pick a decade & wear your 70's, 80's, or 90's clothing!!!
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Decades Clip Art
Fresh Fruit and Vegetables tomorrow !!! Students on campus will receive their bundle and curbside pick up for remote learners will be available starting at 10:30 a.m. #FieldsInspires
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Fruit & Vegetable Distribution
Fruit & Vegetable Distribution Spanish flyer
Falcons, the End of the Year Celebrations are around the corner! Here is information for Kinder celebrations. #FieldsInspires
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Kinder Information
Kinder Information Spanish
Drive-Thru Information
Drive- Thru Information Spanish
Falcons, the End of the Year Celebrations are around the corner! Here is information for 5th grade celebrations. #FieldsInspires
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
5th Grade Celebration
5th Grade Celebration Spanish
Drive Thru Information
Drive- Thru Information Spanish
Falcons, the End of the Year Celebrations are around the corner! Here is information for Pre-K, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade celebrations. #FieldsInspires
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
EOY Celebration
EOY Celebration in Spanish
Hello Falcons! Tomorrow we celebrate Cinco de Mayo and Mexican heritage - make sure you wear your Mexican attire!
almost 4 years ago, Celeste Lopez
Cinco de Mayo