💙💛@FieldsFalcons 💛💙 The Scholastic Book Fair is coming! SAVE THE DATE for February 20-26th, 2024! #bookchoice #bookjoy
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Upcoming book fair
TRAVIS MD- TRANSITION PARENT MEETING. Parents: Don't forget the transition meeting TOMORROW February 1 at 900 AM See you there! TRAVIS MD- REUNIÓN DE PADRES DE TRANSICIÓN. Padres: No olviden la reunión de transición MAÑANA 1 de febrero a las 900 a. m. ¡Nos vemos allí!
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Parent meeting
Parent meeting
Hello families! Friendly reminder that this Friday is the last day that you can get the yearbook at our discounted price of $30. Beginning February 3rd, the yearbook will cost $35. Preorder your yearbook today! ¡Hola familias! Recordatorio amistoso que este viernes es el último día en que puede obtener el anuario a nuestro precio con descuento de $30. A partir del 3 de febrero, el anuario costará $35. ¡Reserva tu anuario hoy! 💛💙
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Order your yearbook
Order your yearbook
Lots to Celebrate 💙💛Congratulations to our Falcons of the Week, Falcon Heart recipients, Lexia STARS, Top AR Readers for the Week, and our new 100 A.R. Points Club members!!! #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Falcon winners
Hello Families! Please use this link to vote for the 2024-2025 School Calendar. ¡Hola familias! Utilice este enlace para votar por el Calendario Escolar 2024-2025. Click on this link: mcallenisd.org/o/mcallenisd/p…
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
 Calendar survey
We hope you can join us!💛💙
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Open house dates & times
McAllen ISD Parent & Family Engagement invites you and your family to The SWEETHEART FAMILY CELEBRATION! Register at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdFD-d6TCp5DLkl6iA_IFQLaeEG2A-UF9mmNI7FWD-IQDZIyw/viewform
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Family engagement event
Family engagement
Falcon Families, see the information in regard to the MISD Parent Symposium on Thursday, Feb. 22!💙💛
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Spanish parent symposium
Parent symposium
Become a proud sponsor of the McAllen Education Foundation Bowling Tournament! Sponsoring will provide educational opportunities for our students💛💙 Sign up here: mcallenisd.org/o/mcallenisd/p…
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Bowling Tournament sponsors needed
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Parent Meeting for 5th graders
Parent Meeting for 5th grade students
🎉💙💛Congratulations Falcons…Keep Soaring High💙💛🎉Let’s celebrate our Falcons of the Week, Falcon Heart recipients, Lexia Stars, & Top A.R. Readers of the Week!!! #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Top Falcon Performers
🥎💛💙Falcons…more sports opportunities for Falcon 5th graders!!! Join,participate, and improve your skills 💛💙🥎#FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Sports camp
Sports camp
Falcon Families💙💛 The Bilingual Department invites you to participate in the following parent training, see the attached flyer for more information. Padres💙💛 El departamento bilingüe lo invita a participar en la siguiente capacitación para padres; consulte el folleto adjunto para obtener más información.
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Parent info
Parent info
Falcon Families ….if your 5th grade daughter is interested in exploring the game of softball, this is a great opportunity that requires no softball experience. Scan the QR Code for more information 🥎💛💙🥎 #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Softball camp
Falcon Families💙💛We will resume regular schedule tomorrow!!!
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Don’t Forget Falcons…the Kids Final Mile Event is this Saturday,January 20th weather permitting. We hope to see you there!!!💛💙 #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Kids Race
Despite the chilly day, our musical Fourth graders took time to rehearse during music class for an upcoming performance 🎶❄️💙💛❄️🎶 #FieldsInspires
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Music class
Hello Families, Friendly reminder that our school day will once again begin at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17, 2024. - In an effort to help support your family, we will begin to receive students in our front drive at 8:00 a.m. for those of you who need to drop off your children at an earlier time. - Bus routes will once again begin at 8:15 a.m. - There will be NO After School Program. Thank you! Hola familias, Recordatorio amistoso que nuestra jornada escolar comenzará una vez más a las 9:30 a. m. mañana miércoles 17 de enero de 2024. - En un esfuerzo por ayudar a mantener a su familia, comenzaremos a recibir estudiantes en nuestro camino de entrada a las 8:00 a. m. para aquellos de ustedes que necesiten dejar a sus hijos más temprano. - Las rutas de autobuses volverán a iniciarse a las 8:15 horas. - NO habrá programa después de clases. ¡Gracias!
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Weather update
Weather announcement
Hello Families, start time for students has been moved back to 9:30 a.m. Bus routes will begin at 8:15 a.m. Thank you for your flexibility and patience. Stay safe and warm. 💙💛 Hola familias, la hora de inicio para los estudiantes se ha movido nuevamente a las 9:30 a. m. Las rutas de autobús comenzarán a las 8:15 a. m. Gracias por su flexibilidad y paciencia. Manténgase seguro y abrigado. 💙💛
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Weather update
Weather update
Falcon Families 💙💛If your child rides the bus🚌, please read the following information regarding times❄️❄️❄️
about 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Bus schedules