Our second grade Falcons are hard at work practicing their addition & regrouping ones skills💙💛Great Work!!! #FieldsInspires #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Addition learning
Falcon Families…join us and participate in our themes for the month of December 🎄🎄🎄❤️❤️🎄🎄🎄
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
December Calendar
December Calendar
Hello Falcon Families!!! Here are the lunch menus for December🎄🎄🎄
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Lunch menu
Lunch menu
Wishing all of our Falcon families,teachers,staff, and community members a Happy Thanksgiving 🦃🍁🍂🍁🦃 #GratefulHeart
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Happy Thanksgiving
Our 2023-2024 Falcon Cross-Country Team in action🏃🏃‍♀️A huge thank you to Mr.Quiroga for donating pizza to our hard working athletes💙💛 #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Cross Country
Congrats to our Falcons of the Week,Falcon Hearts, Science Fair Winners, Top A.R., & our new 100 Points Club Member💙💛Job well done!!!! 💙💛 #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Friendly Reminder Falcons🍂🍁🦃
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
No school reminder
It’s been a busy & blessed week! Our 3rd graders performed beautifully at our PTO, our Falcons excelled at the Girlstart Showcase, students participated in our Gratitude Week themes, and took time to write what they are grateful for💙💛🍁🍂🦃
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Activities for the Week
Grateful hearts at Fields Elementary 💙💛
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Grateful Falcons
Today is the DAY! We hope you can join us at our Fall Market! Come do some Christmas shopping and watch performances by our Falcon dance teams! See you then! 🫶 Performance Times: Folklorico- 5:30P.M. Cheer-6:00P.M.
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Fall market
Thank you, to our amazing partners, for joining us for this mornings McAllen ISD Partners in Excellence Breakfast. We appreciate all you do for our campus and community. 💛💙#McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Partners in Excellence
Happy Parental Engagement Day! Thank you to all of our parents, parent volunteers, and families for your continued support. We appreciate all that you do for the students, staff and community of Fields Elementary! 💙💛#McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Thanks parents
Congratulations to our Falcons of the Week,Falcon Hearts, Lexia Stars, Top A.R. Readers of the Week, and Top Attendance Classes!!! 💛💙Great Job! #mcallenisdgratitudesnaps #FieldsInspires
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Our Falcon Choir shared their gratitude for our Veterans with the gift of song!Thank you for your service💙💛#FieldsInspires #McAllenISDGratitudeSnaps
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Parents, Join us at this important meeting with our school Principal, Mrs. Trdla. The topic of discussion will be our Campus Improvement Plan and our Site Base Decision-Making Committee. See you at the meeting! Padres, Únase a nosotros en esta importante reunión con la directora de nuestra escuela, la Sra. Trdla. El tema de discusión será nuestro Plan de Mejora de la escuela y nuestro Comité de Toma de Decisiones de la Base de datos. Los esperamos!
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Parent meeting
Parent meeting
Friendly reminder, Science Fair Projects due Friday, November 10, 2023💙💛
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Science Fair Due Date
Congratulations Falcons!!! Thank you for sharing your Love of Literacy with the Adobe Express #McAllenISDReadersareLeaders Challenge❤️📚❤️
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Congratulations to our 5th grade Elevate Flag Football team for earning a win this evening! Thank you, Coach Castellano and Coach Puente for leading our team. Way to go Falcons! 💙💛
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Football win
Falcon Families, See upcoming events for the month of November! 💙💛🍂
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Nov events
Nov events
Congratulations to our 5th grade Elevate Volleyball team for earning a win this evening! Thank you, Coach Villanueva and Coach Hinojosa for leading our team. Way to go Falcons! 💛💙
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Volleyball win