Our 3rd grade students getting prescribed instruction during our Reteach and Enrich time. Recognizing Multiple meaning words 🥳
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Enrichment time
Falcon Families… Don’t forget💙💛⏰💛💙
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Fall Back time change
Congratulations to our StoryBook Pumpkin Winners this year!!! There were so many beautiful & creative entries. A special thank you to the City of McAllen Fire Department for your assistance 🙏🏻❤️🎃Great job to all !!! #FieldsInspires
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Contest winners
Contest winners
Contest winners
A huge thank you @CityofMcAllen Firefighters & RGV 911 for presenting to our Falcons today!!! Our Falcons learned about fire 🔥 and emergency safety! 🚨💙💛
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
RGV 911
Fire Department visit
Hello parents, We invite you to our next VIRTUAL parent meeting. Thursday, November 2 at 9:00 a.m. See you there!!! 💛💙
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Junto de padres
Parent meeting
Falcon Families, We invite all Veterans to our Veteran's Day Assembly next Friday, November 10th at 2:00 P.M. Please submit information in the link & email photos to our school counselor, Mrs.Guerrero💛💙 https://forms.gle/Hx7ZnpKU1qrtLgUeA
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Veterans Day
Veterans Day
Greetings Falcons…it’s almost November!!! Here is the menu for the upcoming month🍂🍁🍂
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Congratulations to our Falcons of the Week,Falcon Hearts, Soar Store October Winners, & to our Falcon Super Readers who reached 100 A.R.Points!!!Great Job keep Soaring High💙💛
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Thank you @CityofMcAllen Police Department for sharing important information about #RedRibbonWeek2023 and being kind to our minds & living drug free❤️❤️❤️
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Thank you Falcon Families for joining us for our Halloween Movie Night💛💙🎃💛💙Thank you PTO for organizing a Spook-tacular event!!! #FieldsInspires
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Family Movie Night
Falcons, can’t wait for you to join us this evening 💙💛See you soon!!!🎃
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Movie night
Movie night
Good evening Falcons. Registration is open for Boys Soccer ⚽️ and girls basketball 🏀 This is only for our 5th grade students. The fee is 30 dollars. Please reach out to Coach Puente if you have any questions. Thank you all for your support. Buenas noches Halcones. Las inscripciones están abiertas para fútbol masculino ⚽️ y baloncesto femenino 🏀 Esto es solo para nuestros estudiantes de 5to grado. La inscripción es de 30 dólares. Comuníquese con Coach Puente si tienen alguna pregunta. Gracias por todo su apoyo.
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Soccer information
Congratulations to our hard working Falcons… Students of the Week, Falcon Hearts, Lexia Stars, Falcon Fire Marshals, Top AR Readers for the Week!
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Congratulations to our falcons
Congratulations, Mrs. Jessica Guerrero, for being selected as a finalist for the Lone Star State School Counselor Association Counselor of the Year! We are so proud of you and glad that the state knows what we do, that you are one of the best! 💙💛
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Families, Next week is Red Ribbon Week! We hope you can join us & celebrate this extraordinary week where we teach our students to LOVE themselves enough to stay away from harmful substances and choose to LIVE a healthy life. Join us in teaching our students to be KIND to their MIND and LIVE drug-free. ¡La próxima semana es la Semana del Listón Rojo! Esperamos que puedas unirte a nosotros para celebrar esta semana extraordinaria donde enseñamos a nuestros estudiantes a AMARSE a sí mismos para mantenerse alejados de sustancias nocivas y elegir VIVIR una vida saludable. Únase a nosotros para enseñar a nuestros estudiantes a ser AMABLES con su MENTE y VIVIR libres de drogas.
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
RRW 2023
Happy Boss's Day to our amazing principal, Mrs.T🎉 Your leadership & love lights up our school.We are so grateful for all you do to support our students, staff, & Falcon community. Thank you for being an inspiring boss! #BossDay #PrincipalAppreciationMonth #FieldsInspires
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Boss day pic 3
Boss day pic 2
Boss Day pic 1
Parents\Guardians of students in 3rd to 5th grade, join us for this important meeting where you will learn how to use tools to help your child at home with reading and more. See you at the meeting! Padres\Guardianes de alumnos en 3º a 5º grado, unase a nosotros en esta importante reunión donde aprenderá cómo usar herramientas para ayudar a su hijo en casa con la lectura y más. ¡Nos vemos en la reunión!
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Parent Meeting
Parent Meeting
Congratulations to our Falcon Fire Marshal winners for 2023🚒🧯👩‍🚒👨‍🚒!
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Fire Marshal Winners
Fire Safety Week
Fields families are you all ready for a spooky afternoon? PTO is hosting a Halloween movie night Friday October 27th! Fee is $5 per family and snacks will be sold as well! We hope to see everyone here! Familias de Fields, ¿están todos listos para una tarde de espantos? ¡PTO organizará una noche de cine de Halloween el viernes 27 de octubre! ¡La tarifa es de $5 por familia y también se venderán bocadillos! ¡Esperamos ver a todos aquí!
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
Movie Night
Movie Night
Families, Next week we will be celebrating College Week! Familias, ¡la próxima semana celebraremos la Semana Universitaria!
over 1 year ago, Celeste Lopez
College Week
College Week