‼️ Delayed Start, Wednesday, January 22, 2025 ‼️ Classes begin at 10:00AM See you soon, Falcons! Stay warm!
about 2 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Delayed start today
We have received the latest weather update, and in light of the information, we have made the decision to cancel classes and all events for tomorrow, Tuesday, January 21, 2025, as a precautionary measure. The makeup day for students and staff will be Monday, February 10, 2025. Classes will resume at an hour-delayed start on Wednesday, January 22, 2025. For the latest information, please visit our weather updates page: https://www.mcallenisd.org/page/weather-updates. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
about 2 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Weather update
Weather Update
Take a Look at our January Calendar of Events
about 2 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Calendar of events
Falcons,Save the Date & Join Us for this wonderful event!!! 💙💛🏃🏻🏃🏻‍♀️
about 2 months ago, Celeste Lopez
McAllen mile
A message from Ms. Trdla: Hello Fields Families! Friendly reminder that we are releasing students at 11:55 a.m. today! We hope that you enjoy your holiday break. Stay safe. Classes will resume on January 8, 2025.
3 months ago, Teresa Trdla
A Falcon Friendly Reminder….Early Release Tomorrow at 11:55 a.m. ❄️☃️❄️☃️❄️
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Early release reminder
Congratulations to our Falcon students who performed in our Fields-Mas Christmas Concert🎶🎄❄️☃️🎄🎶You brought holiday cheer to our hearts!!! Thank you Mrs.Dennis for your dedication and passion for teaching the gift of music🎶💙🎶
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
FieldsMas Concert
Our final Morning Assembly for the 2024 school year …congratulations to our hard working Falcons who received recognition this morning💙💛We look forward to 2025!!!
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Last assembly of 2024
Gifting our Falcon Families a sweet treat this morning 🎄🎁🎄We love and appreciate you…thank you for letting us teach and love your children 💛💙
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Sweet treats for parents
Sweet treats for parents
Sweet treats for parents
Don’t Forget Friday is Early Release 🎄🎄🎄11:55 a.m.
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Early Release Schedule
Come and Join Us!!! Save the Date🎄🎶🎄
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Holiday concert
Holiday concert
Our Falcon 1st, 2nd , and 3rd graders are diligently preparing for their upcoming Christmas performances on the 19th of December! We will also have performances by our Falcon Choir and Falcon Cheer/Dance team!!! 💛💙 Remember,there are two shows…join us for the 10 a.m. OR 1:30p.m. performance! 🎶🎶🎶🎄🎶🎶🎶
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Choir preparing
Choir preparing
Choir preparing
Congratulations to our phenomenal Spelling Bee Winners Maria (1st Place) & Jared (Runner Up)! We are so proud of your accomplishments !!! 🐝💙💛🐝We send our well wishes to Maria as she advances to the next round! Keep Soaring High,Mighty Falcons!!!
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Spelling bee winners
Spelling Bee trophies
Congratulations to all of our Falcons who represented us well at the district Science Fair and a special congratulations to our 4th grader, Josiah, for placing 4th! #SOARHigh #fieldsinpires
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Science Fair Falcon Awarded
☃️❄️Friendly Reminder Falcon Families❄️☃️
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Early release
💛💙We hope you will join us💛💙
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Family breakfast
💙💛Falcons!! Join the Mchi Lady Bulldogs for their annual McHi Lady Bulldog Middlle School/Elementary School night. Kids are free of charge with a school shirt, game starts at 6pm, stay for the boys game at 7:30pm. 💙💛
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Bulldog Night
Thank you William B. Travis Middle School Cheer Team and sponsors for spending time reading and spreading holiday cheer with our Falcons today!!! 💙💛🎄❄️☃️❄️🎄💛💙
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Travis  Cheer Reading Visit
🎉 Congratulations to our attendance winners from 12/4/2024!🎉 Each day, five lucky students are selected for being present at school and are invited to enjoy Treats with Ms. Trdla!🏆🍪 Keep showing up, and you could be next! 👏 #AttendanceMatters
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Attendance winner announced
Attendance winners
Hello Families, Take a look at the flyer for details about our Falcon Family Breakfast event happening on Friday, December 13th. Make sure to read the information below for important details related to this event: ⭐️Children must be dropped off following the standard drop-off procedures (before 7:55 A.M.) to participate. ⭐️Families are allowed to bring breakfast for their child, only. *No peanut or nut products. ⭐️Please limit 2 adults per family. ⭐️Pick up passes starting today, 12/4/24 in the front office with a valid ID. ⭐️On the day of the event, if you have a pass, you can enter through the garden area. Families with multiple children should go to the cafeteria, while those with one child will head to the classroom. We will begin allowing families in at 8:30 A.M. Eche un vistazo al folleto para obtener detalles sobre nuestro evento Falcon Family Breakfast que tendrá lugar el viernes 13 de diciembre. Asegúrese de leer la información a continuación para obtener detalles importantes relacionados con este evento: ⭐️Los niños deben ser dejados siguiendo los procedimientos de entrega estándar (antes de las 7:55 a. m.) para participar. ⭐️Las familias solo pueden traer el desayuno para sus hijos. *No se permiten productos con maní ni frutos secos. ⭐️Límite de 2 adultos por familia. ⭐️Recoja pases a partir de hoy, el 4 de dec, en la oficina principal con una identificación válida. ⭐️El día del evento, si tienes pase, podrás ingresar por la zona del jardín. Las familias con varios hijos deberán acudir a la cafetería, mientras que las que tengan un hijo se dirigirán al salón de clases. Comenzaremos a permitir la entrada de familias a las 8:30 a.m.
3 months ago, Celeste Lopez
Family Breakfast