Falcon Families…SAVE THE DATE!!!!

Hello families,
Here are the menus for December! 🎄

Falcon Families💛💙Friendly Reminder

Hello Families! December is very quickly approaching and will be here as soon as we get back from our Thanksgiving break, so we wanted to share some of our upcoming events with you. Please know that we will share detailed information as the dates get closer.
¡Hola familias! Diciembre se acerca rápidamente y llegará tan pronto como regresemos de nuestras vacaciones de Acción de Gracias, por lo que queríamos compartir algunos de nuestros próximos eventos con ustedes. Tenga en cuenta que compartiremos información detallada a medida que se acerquen las fechas.

Hello Falcons! Join us, next week, as we celebrate Gratitude Week! We look forward to celebrating all the ways that we are thankful and hope you will join us.
¡Hola Falcons! ¡Únase a nosotros la próxima semana para celebrar la Semana de la Gratitud! Esperamos celebrar todas las formas en que estamos agradecidos y esperamos que se unan a nosotros.

🌟 Our Falcon Student Council is spreading joy and positivity today! They've been busy passing out kindness stickers and holding kindness posters to celebrate #WorldKindnessDay. Let's all join in and make the world a better place, one kind act at a time! 💖🌍 #SpreadKindness #FieldsInspires

It’s that time again… We invite you, your organization, friends, or family to support our Adopt-a-Falcon program! 🌟 🎄
Through Adopt-a-Falcon, we aim to provide essentials and holiday gifts for students in our school community who need it most. 🎁❤️
If you’d like to make a difference, please click here to join us in spreading joy this season:
Thank you for your kindness and support! #AdoptAFalcon #CommunitySupport #SpreadJoy

Falcon Families, we hope you can attend this upcoming meeting. Please read flyer for more information.

Hello Families! Happy Sunday! We look forward to seeing our Falcons in school on Monday!
Please see some of our upcoming events for November. We will post a translated copy early this week.
A couple of upcoming important dates and items to note:
- NO After School Tutoring for the month of November. We will let you know when After School Tutoring will resume.
- We have Benchmark Assessments for 3rd-5th grades this week and next. Please help us by having students in school by 7:30 and ensuring that they get a good nights sleep.
- Friday, November 22nd is an Early Release Day, please make plans for students to come to school and to be picked up at 11:55 a.m.
- Our Fall Holiday will be from November 25th - November 29th.
Please continue to help us by ensuring that our Falcons are in school and learning everyday. Thank you for all you do and for your continuous support.

Here is the November Lunch Menus🍔🌭🌮🥗🍕🥪

**Victor Fields Elementary - Veterans Day Ceremony**
Please fill out the form to RSVP and reserve your spot in our Veterans Day assembly to honor all veterans on Friday, November 8, 2024, at 7:45 A.M. Thank you!
Please send a photo of your veteran for our Veterans Day assembly by Friday, Nov. 1st to jessica.guerrero@mcallenisd.net.
**Victor Fields Elementary - 2024 Ceremonia del Día de los Veteranos**
Complete el formulario para confirmar su asistencia (RSVP) y reservar su lugar en nuestra celebración del Día de los Veteranos el viernes 8 de noviembre de 2024 a las 7:45 A.M. ¡Gracias!
Envíe una foto de su veterano por correo electrónico antes del viernes 1 de noviembre a jessica.guerrero@mcallenisd.net.

🎉 We're kicking off Red Ribbon Week this Friday! 🎉 Join us by wearing RED to show your support. Check out the attached flyer for fun ways to celebrate and honor this important week. Let’s make it a great one! #RedRibbonWeek #FalconPride
🎉La Semana del Listón Rojo comienza este viernes🎉
Únase a nosotros vistiendo de ROJO este VIERNES para mostrar su apoyo. Consulte el folleto adjunto para conocer más formas divertidas de celebrar y honrar esta importante semana.

🧡 Tomorrow, October 16th is Unity Day! We encourage everyone to wear orange to show kindness, promote acceptance, and encourage inclusion. Together, we choose to be buddies, not bullies. Falcons are kind! 🫶 #UnityDay #KindnessMatters #FalconPride 🧡
🧡¡Mañana, 16 de octubre, es el Día de la Unidad! Animamos a todos a usar naranja para mostrar amabilidad, promover la aceptación y fomentar la inclusión. Juntos, elegimos ser amigos, no malos. ¡Los Halcones son amables! 🫶

Save the Date and join us for our next PTO meeting 💙💛

Friendly reminder that Friday, October 11th, is an Early Release day. Students will be released at 11:55 a.m. Also, there will not be classes on Monday, October 14th. 💛💙

Falcon Families, the Storybook Pumpkin Patch Contest is here once again! We would love for all Falcons to participate...see flyer for details.

Falcon Families!!! Come join us for our October Falcon Family Book Bash on October 30th from 4:30 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Read together and track your child's reading progress. We will also have special guests, treats ,and crafts to create. Feel free to come in costumes if you wish!!! See you in the library ...

Please Save the Date and Time for our upcoming early release & weather day💙💙

Join us for an important Parent Meeting…see flyer for information 💙💛🫶🏼

Get Ready Falcons….Picture Day is around the corner…See flyer for more information 💙💛Wear your Sunday’s best and your dazzling Falcon😊smile!!!